Reliable. Fast. Revolutionary.
In today’s competitive landscape, you need Internet that can keep up with your ambition. Solarus fiber offers unparalleled speed, reliability, and security to keep things running smoothly. And even though having the most powerful technology driving your day-to-day operations is important, it’s not nearly as comforting as friendly local support when you need it.
Introducing a robust, fully-equipped communications system that helps you improve productivity, enhance the customer experience and connect with your staff and customers – anywhere, anytime.
Protect your people and your property. Our highly rated line-up of Ubiquiti devices delivers next-gen 2K HD quality footage, dynamic range, audio options, and convenient anytime access from your desktop or mobile device. Manage and control your system from an intuitive user portal packed with powerful features and analytic capabilities.
Focus on what you do best and leave the computer setup, servers, and network stuff to us. Partnering with your Internet service provider takes the guesswork out of who to call with technical questions. With visibility into your equipment, we can detect, diagnose, and resolve issues before they disrupt your workflow.
From live sports at game time or news to simply pass the time, Solarus HD TV will keep your customers engaged and entertained. We offer three unique packages designed to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes. Service includes 3 set top boxes and complimentary music channels.